

The 适应 portal allows students 24/7 access to all of their disability-related information, 包括批准的住宿, 挂起的请求, 住宿信, 与发展支援署的预约, 安排考试监考, 上传文档, 和更多的. 

传入的新生, 转学, or students who have not received accommodations from WWU in the past: 登录并提交住宿请求.
Returning students who have received accommodations from WWU in the past: 使用遗留门户登录.

用户指南 & 资源

学生使用指南PDF: step by step instructions for students on how to access and begin using 适应 as a new or legacy user.
考场预订指南PDF: instructions for students on how to request testing accommodations.
请求电子图书视频教程: mp4 file type demonstrating how to request textbooks in a digital format.


沃拉沃拉大学(WWU), we are committed to providing an inclusive and supportive educational environment that fosters the 学术 and personal development of all students, 包括残疾人士. To ensure that students with disabilities have equal access and opportunities, we outline the rights and responsibilities specific to our 残疾支援服务 (DSS) program.


  • 机会平等: 学生 with disabilities have the right to access educational programs, 服务, and facilities at WWU without discrimination based on their disability, 根据适用法律的规定.
  • 合理的住宿: 学生 with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodations that ensures equal access and participation in 学术 and extracurricular activities.
  • 发展支助处的协助: DSS is available to assist students with disabilities in removing physical, 学术, and attitudinal barriers that may hinder their access to education and campus life.
  • 防止歧视: 学生 with disabilities are protected from discrimination based on their disability and shall not be subjected to retaliatory discrimination, 法律规定的.
  • 学业和职业咨询: 学生 with disabilities have the right to receive 学术 and career counseling that supports their aspirations and goals without being counseled toward more restrictive career objectives.


  • 自我鉴定: It is the responsibility of students with disabilities to self-identify to the 残疾支援服务 (DSS) office.
  • 文档: 学生必须提供 文档 of their disability to the DSS office to support requests for accommodations.
  • 摄入面试: 学生 should initiate 服务 by making a request for accommodation by going to the 残疾支援服务 website and clicking on 提交住宿申请.
  • 和解协议: 学生 are responsible for initiating a request for specific accommodations through an accommodation and requesting that a letter of accommodation be sent to specific course faculty through WWU 适应.
  • 与学院的沟通: 学生 are encouraged to engage with faculty members to discuss their accommodation needs and request additional assistance as necessary, always being mindful of communicating in a way that is polite and falls within the parameters of the student code of conduct.
  • 遵守学术住宿的最后期限: 学生 are expected to adhere to the time deadlines outlined in their accommodation agreement and on the DSS website under 测试策略.
  • 遵守其他住宿的最后期限: 学生 must make arrangements for personal independent living needs and other disability-related personal needs according to the deadlines listed on the DSS website and the other related departments.



If a student needs assistance communicating with their professors or instructors, 他们可以向发展支助事务办公室寻求协助.

If a student believes their accommodation requests have not been processed fairly or they have not had access to accommodations let DSS and the 学生发展中心 know as soon as possible.

If a student believes they have experienced discrimination because of a disability or a perceived disability, 他们应该参考世界妇女联合会的非歧视原则 政策. This 政策 outlines the university's nondiscrimination commitment and provides information on internal grievance procedures for addressing discrimination concerns.


While students are encouraged to follow the internal grievance procedures to resolve complaints, they also have the option to file a grievance with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at any time. The usual time limit for filing a complaint with OCR is 180 days from the date of the incident. 学生 can find information on how to file a grievance with OCR by visiting U.S. 教育部.

This 学生残疾服务的权利和责任 statement is designed to ensure that students with disabilities at WWU receive the support and accommodations they need to succeed 学术ally and thrive in our university community. We encourage students to familiarize themselves with these rights and responsibilities and reach out to the DSS office for further guidance and support.


  • 为上大学做准备: A one page overview for students with disabilities which covers the general process of applying for accommodations, as well as the main differences between high school and college regarding accommodations and disability. Produced by WAPED, the Washington Association on Postsecondary Education and Disability. 
  • 网上学习障碍 -学习障碍或多动症的学习资源
  • 学习的盟友 -有声读物资源
  • 残疾学生奖学金 - 资源 and lists of scholarships for students with disabilities
  • 社会保障局,残疾网页 ——残疾人福利


These are organizations which provide support to people with disabilities. 有些是一般性的,有些是专门针对高等教育的.
